Sunday, January 20, 2008

Searching for Sunshine during December

Yes it's true that we have spent Christmas in sunny Florida for the past 3 years. The sun shining and the weather warm and inviting just like it should be. What more would one want?
I met my husband 20 years ago the day before leaving for school in Florida. It was a bummer that I had just met this really nice guy and now I had to leave to sunny Florida. We wrote to each other by snail mail(no one had email back then)and talked on the phone once a week. We became close friends who eventually fell in love with one another. He was so charming and loved everything that I loved. We both had Latin roots and strong family values. Most importantly, we both loved Florida!
Five years later, we get married and start our lives in the Northeast where we both complained about the cold. We always talked about moving to Florida, but we never made any serious plans. We would visit, look at houses and then we would forget about it until the next winter.
This year I have decided that 20 years is a long time to plan for something and I need to lite a fire under my husbands ass! He doesn't like change at all! He hates when I move the furniture, paint the rooms or even change my hair style. Now, here we are spending 15 days in Florida to relax(so he thought). I had a plan and it was to find and area that we loved and somewhere to raise the two other loves in my life. We drove around, looked at model homes, contacted Realtors and looked at schools. We had long conversations every night and discussed the pros and cons in moving to Florida. The sun was at the top of my pros list and the hurricanes were at the top of my cons list.
We have decided that this is probably the best time in our lives to move. It didn't become real until he started telling everyone that we were moving to Florida. It became scary and a journey that I have never taken. If my parents could cross the Atlantic(on a plane legally)with a 14 month old(me) and a 6yrs old to a country they had never visited, then why was this move so hard for us. We have wanted it for twenty years and now we have it.
Life is full of change, growth and fear. We got married(scary), bought our first home(scarier)
gave natural birth twice(crazy on my part) and bought our second home(lots of work). Why is this so scary? Now we live our lives for our children. It's not about this couple who meet when they were eighteen and made a vow to grow old in each others arms. We will always be happy wherever the other is, but our little ones now have lives here and history in this cold place we call home. Do we interrupt their lives to make our own dreams come true?


island girl said...

It's too hard for me to comment on this because the thought of losing my sista scares the living daylights out of me.

Steph said...

Sorry Mamasita-I was trying to test out my password!

The Domesticator said...

Change is scary, but sometimes necessary to fulfill a dream, or to get "unstuck", so to speak. You'll never know if you don't try. I have not regretted my decision to move for a second....well, other than to miss the previous commenter...she knows who she is ;-) And trust me, the children do adjust.

The Domesticator said...

Hey Mamasita,

I just read your questions over at my place. Sorry for not getting back to you sooner!

When you leave a comment, you have to provide your Google Blogger username and password in order for the blue link to show up.

The more you comment on other people's blogs, the more comments you will get on yours. Also, the more you post, the more readership you will generate. I really slacked off, so I don't have as many folks reading anymore.

About the community thing: Yes, I guess technically I live in a community. The houses are close together (which is good and bad). Usually, there are neighborhood pools and clubhouses which are instant ways to meet other parents/friends and for the kids to make friends. Shopping centers are usually set up around neighborhoods which is very convienent. Overall, I really like this type of living situation.

If you have other questions feel free to e-mail me:

Anonymous said...

I found my way to your blog by way of Stolen Moments. I moved my family from New York to South Carolina about four years ago. Moving is an adventure and it can be a scary proposition. I don't know how old your kids are but if they are young enough they will adjust to living in a new place. I wish you luck with your decision. I have noticed you did not post for a while. Have you moved already?

Sherita K.

mamasita said...

My boys are 7 and 9 years old. They do not want to move and it really isn't there choice.
We haven't found jobs there, just a place we would love to raise our children. Life is more afforsable than New England. I'm a teacher and there are many jobs in the county that we want to move into.
I would love to hear from others who have had to move their children to find their dream.